
...shockingly so



Laugh out loud funny

Laugh out loud funny
by Visualmsg from

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Conventional is a good fall back, isn't it?

I came across a few thoughts about being conventional. Some say that because change is inevitable, learn to appreciate it. Others see convention as a good thing as it offers a bit of structure to everyday life and helps people to meet goals.

The most interesting of all, was a blogger who referred to convention as a way of keeping people from climbing the corporate ladder. To illustrate he uses the following analogy. If you were good at administration and didn't get the new promotion, the company is not at a loss and neither are you. Just because you didn't get the marketing manager's post doesn't mean that you can't continue doing administrative things? This usually means that you won't be getting that increase either.

This example made me realise that a balance has to be stuck between creative thinking and being able to do tasks / administration. If your focus is only on being creative, then you won't get the work done. If you stick to being conventional in an administrative sort of way, then your talents could be overlooked and you could stay in an administrative role till infinity.

It's a matter of working at your personal brand and to keep projecting a 360 degree approach to life and work. This will help keep you in mind for that next project or position.

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