
...shockingly so



Laugh out loud funny

Laugh out loud funny
by Visualmsg from

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

It is a poor idea to lie to yourself

Even so how do you stop? I am a bit undecided on this one.

While I agree that lying to yourself or anyone is not very moral, where do you draw the line between a lie and a state of mind?

As an example when you are in a bad mood and you choose to stay very grumpy then you will remain in a bad mood for a longer period of time. In order to change your mood you have to change your state of mind in order to feel happy etc

Then you have the real bad experiences like when someone close to you passes away. After knowing the person for 10 or odd years, it is not just a matter of telling yourself that the person is dead and moving on.

Based on personal experience, it's OK to "lie to yourself" and imagine that the person is still around. For a while this might actually be the best coping mechanism. Added to that, time has a way of bringing you to the reality of the present.

As a coping mechanism this can actually help you deal with the situation better versus blanking out your emotion and having to deal with it in 20 years from now.

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