
...shockingly so



Laugh out loud funny

Laugh out loud funny
by Visualmsg from

Monday, April 5, 2010


Where can it be found? How do you even begin searching for it?

Oh I've heard about the external elements that encourages the yin and the yang for inspiration. I've heard the experts say go green, add a dash of colour here, move a plant there, try to bring the light in and whatever you do don't forget the crystals.

Realistically speaking, I think that we all hit a void now and again. When all that you see in your minds eye is a black void. Disappointingly so, especially when you don't need it.

It's at these moments when colour means something completely different to me. I see colour in the form of yellow succulent fruits, ripe oranges, fiery cocktails, moving the light means to move the fire in order to grill a steak to perfection and the crystal... well.

There is no better inspiration than the combination of good food and wine and it will get anyone that I can get inspired.

1 comment:

  1. Wine and good food relaxes me. I am not sure about the inspiration part. I think may be the scenery e.g. the restaurants at new quarterdeck in Greenpoint. Mhm now you are talking about motivation take me there and I will right 10 blogs in a short space of time!
