
...shockingly so



Laugh out loud funny

Laugh out loud funny
by Visualmsg from

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Culture or literature suicide

Everyday I see the shock of the daily community papers which can be purchased for under R3. I happen to glance at it while travelling on the train and the sensationalism and language termed "Cape flats" that I notice makes me feel a number of things. Anger is the first one that comes to mind followed by a great sadness.

What will become of our children who view this material as their only source of information? Our teenagers already survive on a form of short hand while they are on MIXT and lose the English language in the process. We already live in a world of fear, mostly created by the media, so what will happen to the mental state of the people reading everyday?

I'm all for the exposure of the truth but the picture of a dead baby, or body parts lying on a highway on the front page.... is that the face of truth? If it is, who decided on it?

Yes, I've heard people saying "but the newspaper caters for us". Who is this us? Is it the term coloured, black or white that was given to a certain group of people under a regime that should never have happened?

Admittedly, I do admire the headline producers for their wit but can we give our children a better benchmark to view life with? It all very simply starts with proper English.

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