
...shockingly so



Laugh out loud funny

Laugh out loud funny
by Visualmsg from

Monday, March 29, 2010

Towing trust

Towing a vehicle is one of my all time lows. After numerous conversations with a few women on the topic, it seems as though men were born to do this and they expect it to be second nature to any driver. At least that is the impression that we got from the guys that were towing us.

This, however, is the one thing that has me crying in a foetal position knowing that towing the vehicle is the only way home.

Even so, I had a huge revelation on one of my latest towing adventures (the 3rd to be exact). While my leg was shaking on the brakes, back bent over the steering wheel, hand gripping the hand breaks and my eyes glued to the left rear view mirror of the car towing me, I anticipated every signal coming from the driver ahead.

What I learnt, after accepting my fate, is that I had no choice but to enjoy the ride. I never lost sight of any given signal up ahead which made things easier. Third, no matter how great the urge to step on the break, under normal circumstances I have a different reflex response to a red robot, I kept on telling myself DON'T DO IT! The pressure of not splitting the car in two was enormous.

The feeling of helplessness is quite frightening but once I consoled myself to being led (in a good way) I discovered that the ability to be led is as important as leading when the situations call for it. We are taught to be leaders, stand out etc but life calls for a different response in every situations. In my case it was a matter of adapting and doing what was necessary at the time.

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