
...shockingly so



Laugh out loud funny

Laugh out loud funny
by Visualmsg from

Sunday, March 14, 2010

What is the colour of the wind?

It really depends on the mood that you are in. Imagine walking along a lane where huge trees form an arch covering the path with shade. It's a sunny day outside and all your senses are tuned in to appreciate natures company and the perfect whisper of a breeze that is kissing your face. The colour of the wind in this case is a warm golden yellow as it is moderately warm and adds to the feeling of peace and contentment. The perfect day, the perfect feeling.

On the other hand when I'm jogging and battling to inhale as much of this oxygenated wind as possible; it is red. The colour of pain as my lungs are bursting out of their seams, due to lack of fitness, working overtime.

Personally, I love the wind whether I'm happy or when it stings my cheeks with coldness when I'm sad.

The colour of the wind depends on the individuals mood whatever that might be.

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