
...shockingly so



Laugh out loud funny

Laugh out loud funny
by Visualmsg from

Monday, August 2, 2010

What motivates me?

My motivation cannot be pin pointed to one specific thing. It rather stems from this little voice inside of me that gains inspiration from a multitude of things. It is this little voice that pushes me to go on every day, try new things, set new goals and to keep on achieving them.

Personal experiences, and that of others, feeds this little voice. The good experiences motivates me to keep on going, while the bad experiences forces me to stick to a goal in order to avoid experiencing them again or to ensure that I don't go through the same bad experience like someone else.

Why I am motivated is much more simpler to explain, as it all boils down to the age old task of survival. It is the survival and succeeding at a career, motherhood, as a sister, wife, colleague and friend. No matter how many times I can fail at something, I somehow still remain motivated to go on in this circle of life.

I remember a quote that I read many years ago and it was something along these lines "Despite the high cost of living, it is still quite popular" author unknown.

1 comment:

  1. Love the quote its a good one...pitty the author its unknown.
