
...shockingly so



Laugh out loud funny

Laugh out loud funny
by Visualmsg from

Friday, October 15, 2010

And now ...the time is here

What can I's been real... so glad that it's over...wishing it will never end?

I'm at a speech loss. Writing my last required blog for 2010 is much harder than I thought. I will, inevitably be jumping off my seat at some point in time but for now tears are wanting to jump out of my tear ducts.

I might or might not be visiting this space again. Looking back I can't believe that I wrote so well. It's given me a feeling of freedom in many other ways. I am now able to voice my thoughts and like with blogs, it doesn't matter what the next person says or thinks about it.

What matters is the fact that I have an opinion and I can voice it matters.

Here's to 2010 and everything that it encompassed. I might just visit this space in the future after all.

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