
...shockingly so



Laugh out loud funny

Laugh out loud funny
by Visualmsg from

Friday, August 6, 2010

And I'm aspiring to ...

I just received the latest copy of a leading industry magazine that is all about featuring "real" people on the cover. There is no air brushing or, by the looks of it, no make-up artist either. This is one of the reasons why I do like the magazine.

This month the magazine features a female and presses on about her, and in general, female achievements. I am, however, left with a few questions about making my mark as a female in the media industry. Why is it that (in a number of cases) leading female journalist, editors, writers etc look tired, with limp hair, skin that is not well maintained and teeth stains as a result of either smoking or consuming red wine or a combination of the two?

I ask myself, if it is so great to achieve in this cut throat industry, what is the kick back. From the looks of it there is much to be desired from the quality of life that comes with these achievements.

I'm not talking about looking like a model but is being an achiever all about stressing, combating that with smoking or drinking or some other lethal habit. Is it about working hard to earn more money with no holidays or spa treatments, even though I can afford it? All because my life evolves around deadlines?

Where is the quality of life in that?

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