
...shockingly so



Laugh out loud funny

Laugh out loud funny
by Visualmsg from

Friday, July 9, 2010

It is finally here

Today I walked the fan mile on my way home on the opening day of the 2010 World Cup.

The atmosphere reminded me of the 1995 Rugby World Cup which some might not even remember. Everyone was greeting everyone else all in smiles. People were just people hyped up for a big game and it all reminded me of Europe. When singing or screaming together the last thing that you noticed (if you did) was the colour of the next person's skin even for if you don't have racial tendencies.

I recorded the first day on my phone as it is an historical event.

Admittedly, I did not hold my breath for Bafana Bafana but those boys showed me a thing or two.

The excitement only got to me at my very own house party and this set the World Cup mood for me.

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